Your generosity helps create a church where people feel welcomed, lead, and loved.

Give to the work of New Hope Christian Church

God blesses us with the means and abilities to bless others. None of the work we do at New Hope would be possible without God moving in the hearts of others.

We give in order to be blessed, not for fear of anything negative in our lives. We give out of gratitude and love. You can give safely and securely online-this is one of the easiest ways to give.  On behalf of those lives being changed, thank you.


The ministries at New Hope go far beyond our campus, with the help of our community partners and global mission partners, New Hope's influence is world wide.


New Hope believes in serving our local community and creating opportunities to do so. Your financial contributions enable us to do the work that God has called us to do.

We have specific ministries we support as well as our own initiatives that we spend your generous donations on.


As people of God we give because God has given us so much to give. God doesn't need our money, but he does want what it represents: our purpose, passions, and priorities.

We give to make a Kingdom impact locally, across the country, and globally through our mission efforts.

We give to increase the Kingdom through our generosity so that others may know Jesus better!


When Jesus commissioned his disciples before His ascension, He said, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of The Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

At New Hope, we take this command of making disciples in all nations seriously.  We have several global partners that your tithe's and offerings help to support what God is doing globally.